Number of users of physical recorded music in the UK 2020-2029

Number of users of physical recorded music in the United Kingdom from 2020 to 2029

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Traditional Music market refers to the industry involved in creating, distributing, and experiencing music through conventional means, such as physical formats like CDs and vinyl records, as well as live music events. This market caters to a wide range of musical tastes and preferences, spanning genres like classical, jazz, folk, and popular music, and plays a vital role in preserving cultural heritage while also fostering artistic expression and entertainment.


The Traditional Music market comprises the sale of physical recorded music, such as CDs, vinyl records, and cassette tapes, along with revenue generated from live music ticket sales.

Additional Information:

The market comprises revenues, users, average revenue per user, and penetration rates. Revenues are generated through purchases. Key players in the market are companies, such as Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, and Warner Music Group.

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